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Audit robo

Performance Stress Tests & Audit

In most cases, you don't need to optimize your code against potential future performance problems ahead of time. This just increases the overhead and project complexity. You may be solving specific niche problems that do not even pop up the real-life of your production environment. However, there are specific cases you do need performance metrics. We are able to identify and test these scenarios.

For example, say your company is going to be launching a new IoT connected device in a year, and you expect there will be around 5,000 concurrent connections after launch. Do you know if your existing code and infrastructure can handle that volume? You can take the gamble that your current system can, but if you bet wrong, your new product will experience downtime and your team will work countless sleepless nights to fix the issue. Or, you can implement a stress-test ahead of time to identify whether your current system can handle the load and address any bottlenecks that occur before they become an issue.

Do You Need It?

It depends on your expectations.

Do you want to know if your API or Web/Mobile application is performing satisfactorily under the load?

Do you need to simulate a real-life workflow that your end-users will have against your application?

Do you need to find specific performance metrics under a real load?

We can measure the latency of response, traffic, CPU @database, @caching server within hundreds or thousands of simulated concurrent sessions. Knowing these numbers will help you adjust your infrastructure before problems occur.

What We Do

Stress Tests

We write and distribute stress tests against your API or Web URLs that simulate real behavior of a typical user of your app. By working with you to understand the business logic and typical use case of the app, we can convert that into timed calls to your services, APIs, etc.

Test Non-HTTP Services

We can administer tests against various networking-based services like RPC, WebSocket servers, etc.

Simulate Load

We spawn tests @Amazon AWS and schedule planned workloads (e.g. 1000 concurrent users) against your stress-tested environments.

Record Metrics

We report all types of metrics, such as; request/response latency, CPU/Memory utilization of hardware clusters & databases, etc. We can connect specific calls with measured metrics and find out what should be tuned at the infrastructure or application level.

Metric Visualization

We build charts that clearly represent any correlation between load, latency, failure/error responses, and other metrics.

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Analyze Your Capabilites

Our goal is to tell you what your current solution, the combination of your infrastructure and code, is capable of. We can confirm if it can scale up, provide the expected latency, or will collapse under some load that exceeds a specific threshold.

We can also test the UI/UX behavior of your application once it’s under some load. Is it still responsive? Does it degrade gracefully?Or is the application totally unusable?

We can run tests on a schedule, on-demand, or part of the automated process of CI/CD with reports delivered to your team.

Tools We Use

For some of our customers, we were able to find slow API endpoints that have >100s latency under load (unbeknown to the client) and helped them target these slow parts/refactor them.

If you have the numbers - you can better utilize your developers to optimize the slow parts of your project, instead of ALL parts of the code.

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How can we help You?

Just send us a brief description of your situation.
We’ll immediately start assessing your needs and send you a follow up with next steps.

Get in touch with Barquecon Devops Team!