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Legacy production

Web/API + Backend Solutions & Optimization

For some projects, guaranteed response time for the various components of an application is critical. If you have a slow API, inappropriate caching solution, or slow SQL queries, then your mobile/web application will be affected and user experience will degrade.

To facilitate the aggressive growth of your user base, you should be confident in your code and infrastructure to achieve your growth goals.

Why Optimization is Critical

"How" critical depends on your project and team size.

Everyone knows that a slow site is bad. A broken site can lead to serious problems and the need for solutions every day. These problems can then create a denial of service and long load times. Users will leave. In extreme cases, pages start rendering 8-10 seconds after a click.

Even with fast download speed and a modern computer on the user end, any small delays can lead to audience loss and lower conversion rates. For example, Amazon found through experimentation that every 100ms delay leads to a decrease in sales by 1%. More than half of the internet today is using mobile devices to access websites, which use slower channels and processors to download sites and pages.


Benefits of Optimization

The importance of speed for your website also has a technical aspect to it. Typically, slow sites consume more hosting resources, which leads to additional costs. Adding brakes to the server reduces the ability to experience problematic peak loads on the site. Therefore, when you are thinking about the speed of your site, consider the technical and economical benefits.

What We Can Do for You

Our Solutions
Performance Issues

If you already have performance issues, we can find the roots of the problem (e.g. is it DB related, cache, network, application code, other services, etc.). We can also suggest improvements to your development team or fix it ourselves.

Cloud Infrastructure

Performance can be affected due to the configuration of services, storage, CPUs, or networking between various cloud-based components. We will review your situation and come up with a solution.


In many cases, your database is the source of the bottlenecks. We will analyze performance of your queries, the use of indexes, tuning parameters, and server utilization/patterns.



We will need to understand the implementation nuances (component level, DB schema, replication) of your project, as well as the dependencies used (various services like Kafka or Elasticsearch) and how they are used to achieve the business requirements of your application before suggesting a solution.

How can we help You?

Just send us a brief description of your situation.
We’ll immediately start assessing your needs and send you a follow up with next steps.

Get in touch with Barquecon Devops Team!